European Commission's DSM Strategy

7. 5. 2015

7th May 2015

IFPI welcomes adoption of European Commission's Digital Single Market Strategy

IFPI welcomes the adoption of the European Commission's Digital Single Market Strategy. The music industry has developed a successful digital market for music in Europe, licensing hundreds of services and offering unprecedented consumer choice. Europe's music sector is a diverse landscape of more than 200 digital services, offering 43 million music tracks to EU citizens.

A successful digital music industry that invests in and rewards artists needs a fair marketplace. We look to the Commission's DSM Strategy to support our industry's efforts by providing a fair environment in which to do business. To achieve that, a targeted, evidence-based approach is needed.

The Commission's DSM Strategy contains key positive elements. It recognises the need to clarify the role of certain online platforms which distribute copyright content while claiming the benefit of safe harbours. This is an important step towards creating a more level playing field between online operators and the creative sectors. The DSM Strategy also recognises the need for continued help for the creative sectors in protecting their rights, by improving cross-border enforcement and developing a greater duty of care for online intermediaries.

We look forward to the Commission's further proposals on these key elements of the Digital Market Strategy.

Editors notes

On 6 May 2015, the European Commission announced its long planned Digital Single Market Strategy, which comprises 16 separate initiatives aimed at improving e-Commerce in Europe and strengthening the digital market for goods and services.

According the European Commission, the Digital Single Market Strategy includes a set of targeted actions to be delivered by the end of next year. It is built on three pillars: (1) better access for consumers and businesses to digital goods and services across Europe; (2) creating the right conditions and a level playing field for digital networks and innovative services to flourish; (3) maximising the growth potential of the digital economy.

Among other points, the Commission will review the role of online platforms in the market, and how best to tackle illegal content. The strategy also aims to improve all forms of cross-border e-commerce, tackle certain instances of geo-blocking, and "improve people's access to cultural content online".

The press release can be found at:

The full communication is available at:


This report is available here: